App Design and Layout

What you see here is the layout of a smartphone app that I am developing. My plan is to use this app to save lives and create a more enjoyable experience when going out for a night on the town. Inspiration for this app derived from seeing a number of college students make wreckless mistakes when they were out on the weekends.

It’s simplistic interface is not only for style, it’s also there to provide an easy, intuitive navigation to those who may be too inebriated to function normally.

This app would also include a social media platform to connect with nearby friends. One of the biggest challenges of going out in a group is staying together. Imagine if you could just use your phone to display your buddy’s location on a map. Now you won’t have to wait for them to respond to your text or return your call.

It could also send you an alert when one of your friends is nearby so you’ll never miss them. Integrating this with Facebook would be a very effective way to lift this app off the ground because the majority of your profile will be created. One downside to this would be the cost of using Facebook’s name and service.

The main feature is to test sobriety. An algorithm containing the weight, age and other factors will be used to calculate a person’s sobriety. Other sobriety tests include interactive games that test reaction, dexterity and precision.

With safety and responsibility in mind, connecting this device to your car could prevent many DUIs and accidents. Using this feature, if a person fails to pass the sobriety test, the car will stall and refuse to start until a certain amount of time has passed. It would also bring up the number for a cab to call with one touch.

The Wingman app would be the perfect tool to stay safe and find friends. For now, it is an idea, but I would like to pursue this more and make it a reality.

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